A primary goal in this project is to contribute to restructuring the farm to fork food systems in Norway towards a more sustainable and “green” value chain as demanded in the Government's draft “Klimakur 2030”. A shift towards increased use of plant food has positive effects on health and environment. Unfortunately this change is slow, and there is a strong need to find and develop new, healthy and attractive plant-based food products, based on Norwegian raw materials. The Norwegian agricultural sector and food industry needs more knowledge on the
selection of suitable plant material combined with green technology processing to maintain national food self-sufficiency, secure employment, and remain competitive. Furthermore, a project looking at extended utilisation of protein sources, needs to focus on a complete utilization, including side streams.
The key target of this project is the research in novel plant-based foods and the evaluation of their sustainability impacts.
PIK will in particular contribute to the environmental evaluation of novel plant-based food items.