
Development of a guidance system for using the ISIMIP data repository: new approaches to formal and content-related quality checks.

This project addresses the ISIMIP data repository. On the one hand, the aim is to develop and implement a guidance system for accessing ISIMIP data based on content-related quality indicators and, on the other hand, to establish the technical basis for interactive, user-supported commenting of data sets. The aim of the development is to closely link data download, to display quality indicators and to implement the possibility of user feedback on a web portal. This enables also non-specialist and non-scientific users to assess data quality, and data problems will be documented and communicated more quickly and transparently. In particular, repeating inefficient workflows due to data problems can be avoided by this.


Apr 01, 2019 until Sep 30, 2022

Funding Agency



Katja Frieler, Matthias Mengel, Martin Park
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