Green Vision Central Asia: Bridging science and capacity building for safer future - Integrated water resources management strategies across competing sectors and transboundary dialogue in Central Asia under climate change

In January 2020, the German Federal Foreign Office launched Green Central Asia, a regional initiative on climate and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan. The Green Central Asia Initiative will enable regional dialogue on climate change impacts and risks and is implemented by four partners – German Development Agency GIZ, German-Kazakh University DKU, German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK.

Within GCA PIK will deepen scientific understanding of climate impacts and risks to water, agriculture and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan and will support different local stakeholder groups in developing the local capacities in the field of climate services, impact modelling and integrated water resource management.


Jul 01, 2020 until Sep 30, 2024

Funding Agency

Auswärtiges Amt

Funding Call

Green Central Asia