Climate Impact Chains in a Globalized World: a Challenge for Germany (CLIC) - Computing economic impacts of global weather extremes on Europe

Climate change is a global phenomenon affecting all parts and systems of the Earth. Today's global economic areas are strongly intertwined and stable supply chains play an essential role in maintaining this global economic connection. As a consequence, the impacts of climate change in one part of the Earth are increasingly relevant to countries from another part on the globe. In Germany, local impacts of climate change have been investigated in great detail at national and federal state level as well as for certain fields of action. Consequences from the impacts of climate change in third countries can, however, be of greater relevance to industrialized countries than climate change in their own country. In this context, the project is pursuing two overarching goals: advancing methods for economic assessments of transboundary climate im-pacts and applying these methods for analyzing such effects on the German economy. The project will focus on transboundary climate impacts on trade pathways and will aim to improve the quantitative database of indirect climate effects via trade flows.

7.3 Teilprojekt III (PIK ): Untersuchung der ökonomischen Auswirkungen von globalen Wetterextremen auf Europa (Computing economic impacts of global weather extremes on Europe)


Nov 01, 2018 until Apr 30, 2022

Funding Agency


Funding Call

Fördermaßnahme: Klimaforschung. Förderbereich: Klimaökonomie2


Anders Levermann

Project Website

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