Jul 01, 2017
Jun 30, 2019
South Asia is a hot spot in terms of the future increases of food demand, mainly due to demo-graphic growth and shifting lifestyle. According to the recent IPCC report, food production in South Asia will be severely impacted under climate change without adaptation (Porter et al. 2014). Currently, around 300 million people in South Asia are undernourished, resulting in the subcontinent with the largest numbers of food-insecure persons. This may exacerbate in the future under climate change and represents our main motivation for finding, in cooperation with the local institutes, solutions that ensure current and future food security in South Asia by exploring options for sustainable and climate smart food systems.
The overall objectives of the project are twofold: i) to start with collaborative scientific work and ii) on this basis the development of a joint proposal on the suggested topics.
coordination, supervision of students, proposal writing