ISIpedia, the open inter-sectoral impacts encyclopedia, aims to become a key point of reference for
accessing consistent, multi-sector, politically-relevant and user-driven climate-impact simulations. Users of
the online platform should gain access to relevant input-data sets and analysis of the underlying impactmodel
simulations, as well as written and visual syntheses of regionally-resolved climate-impact projections.
The project covers the establishment of a cooperative process between relevant interest and stakeholder
groups, political decision makers and scientists with respect to 1) the selection of the focus topic for model
simulations that will be conducted within this project; and 2) the selection of relevant metrics for quantifying
impacts of climate change, which will be calculated using the model simulations. The first of these tasks will
form the basis for the development of the simulation protocol for Inter-Sectoral Impact Model
Intercomaprison Projects (ISIMIP, The project includes the coordination of the simulation
activities, which provide the basis for all further analyses within the project.
Scientists and stakeholders will collaborate via workshops and online surveys to design the ISIpedia online
platform. The interaction between scientists and stakeholders will, in particular, promote an exchange of
important data sets, which will serve to foster more robust climate-impacts simulations. In this way, this
project aims to generate a centralised and open collection of spatially and temporally-resolved information
on current and past management practices. This might include agricultural (sewing dates and fertiliser
application), water (designated floodplains, dam construction or coastal-protection infrastructure) or fishing (catch data) management practices, as well as information that can be used to validate model output (e.g.
agricultural yield data or flooded areas).
- selection ISImip focus topics and preparation of simulations
- analysis of model performance in terms of representation of historical impacts based on ISIMIP2a simulations to be used for regional impact assessments on ISIpedia
- Post-processing of ISIMIP3 data to provide support for translation into socially-relevant indicators such as people affected by flood events, or associated economic damages
- Development of impact-model emulators based on the ISMIP3 and existing ISIMIP data
- Regional impact assessments for use in ISIpedia based on analyses presented in peer-reviewed papers
- provision of NDC-based impact assessments