Oct 01, 2016
Sep 30, 2019
The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) project is an independent scientific analysis that will track global action on climate change, in light of an unprecedented universal agreement to be reached in Paris in 2015 to limit global warming to 1.5 / 2°C. The CAT will provide the only real-time, comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the Paris agreement, encompassing commitments on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation and their resultant effect on global temperature, climate finance, and sustainable development goals. For 30 representative countries, the CAT will evaluate how fair pledges are according to various effort-sharing proposals, how effective countries are in implementing their pledges, and ways in which countries can increase their level of ambition. The result will be an authoritative online resource that empowers a broad cross-section of stakeholders to advocate for the successful implementation of the Paris agreement.
PIK will contribute by further developing assessment frameworks to quantify the aggregate level of progress towards achieving the 1.5°C long-term temperature limit. The framework includes tools to derive all-greenhouse-gas emissions pathways from policy scenarios, calculate temperature changes until 2100, and assess individual Parties’ NDCs and long-term development strategies. We are also responsible for calibrating and adjusting the existing Dynamic Global Vegetation Model LPJmL to the project region, especially with regard to performance in (sub-)tropical regions and enabling regional scientists to use the model independently (Activity II.2).