The Road to Paris: Transparent Analysis for an Ambitious Outcome

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have recognized the need for global average temperature not to rise above 1.5-2°C compared with pre-industrial temperatures. In an effort to limit warming to this level, Parties have adopted commitments and are now negotiating a new international agreement and new contributions, to be adopted by 2015, for the post-2020 period.

This project aims to provide analysis that will help countries adopt: • Ambitious, transparent, trackable “contributions” made by Paris 2015. • Robust plans for action at the national level, addressing barriers to implementing pledges and contributions.

Lead the project team on Module 2 which includes: • Quantification of mitigation commitments and current policy development, contribution to literature research on mitigation potentials, and the lead of the analysis and finalisation of effort sharing calculations. Contribute to Module 3 which includes: • The lead on developing a method for global aggregation of emissions of f-gases • Contribution to evaluation of policies in international transport.


May 15, 2014 until Jan 31, 2016

Funding Agency

Children´s Investment Fund Foundation


Katja Frieler