Climate action tracker

In the framework of the UNFCCC, many countries have put proposals on the table about how much they intend to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions in both the near and the long term.

The aim of this project is to provide interested readers with an up-to-date assessment of the individual reduction targets and with an overview of their combined effects. The intention is to make these pledges transparent and to encourage those countries that have not yet done so to make (or increase) their pledge. A crucial question we answer is whether the combined effect of the individual national pledges are sufficient to ensure that global emissions are on a pathway towards staying below the 2 grad C limit.

The science core of the Climate Action Tracker is the PRIMAP model of the PIK. PRIMAP provides CAT with a state-of-the-art emission database, modules on land use change and forestry options and international climate policy architecture.


Jan 01, 2012 until Dec 31, 2013

Funding Agency

European Climate Foundation


Katja Frieler