Aug 01, 2019
Jul 31, 2022
2050 CliMobCity is about climate mitigation in the field of urban mobility. Many cities have formulated very to modestly ambitious climate aims for the very long term (e.g. 2050) or for a shorter period (e.g. 2030). Whatever aim, many cities are uncertain about if and how they can achieve these goals. The project addresses measure (package)s to sufficiently improve the CO2-performance of urban mobility, and the governance required in this regard. The central question is: How must mobility change to achieve climate-friendly mobility? And because the urbanism also influences the sustainability of mobility, the question includes: How must the urban structure change to achieve climate-friendly mobility? The project contributes to answering these questions, focussing on three issues for interregional learning: 1) Identification of measure packages to sufficiently reduce CO2 of mobility for the local or regional climate aims, and their implementation in strategic mobility or spatial plans, 2) Electric mobility and large scale charging of electric road vehicles, and 3) Information and communication systems supporting modal shift or shorter distances enhancing carbon-friendly mobility. All partner cities, Bydgoszcz, Leipzig, Plymouth, Almeria and Thessaloniki, are contributing ones, having manifested themselves in (one or more of) the mentioned innovative areas. All partner cities are also learning ones. The first issue is relative complex, while also being extremely relevant, as it shows whether a city is sufficiently on track for its climate aims. To convince all city actors to incorporate identification results in strategic city plans and other policy documents and announce corresponding actions in the project action plans, the project demonstrates the value of the identification by carrying out such exercise for each partner city in the learning phase.
The aim of the project is to assess the carbon emissions of the transport measures proposed by the cities and, based on this, to improve the existing low carbon economy policies of the cities
PIK is involved in the project as one of the two advisory partners because of its particular competence in the field of climate developments, climate policies including climate mitigation, the quantification of CO2-emissions, and the CO2-reduction effects of specific measures. It applies this competence by giving presentations, analysing and advising, all to support the learning of the cities, in particular with regard to the interregional learning issue “identification of measure packages to reduce the CO2-emissions of mobility in the partner cities”, and is needed during the entire the learning phase. While the cities analyse the change of mobility due to measure packages, PIK will – in close cooperation with the cities and the TU Delft – quantify the corresponding reduction of CO2-emissions of mobility in the partner cities and support the cities in the development of appropriate measures.