
Impact quantification of global changes

Global-IQ is a project with 10 partners from different European countries. It aims to advance the quantification of socio-economic impacts of global changes at global, European and regional scale. This includes but is not limited to climate change. Other global challenges which will be explored include the infrastructure and transportation sector, migration and international trade. Besides impacts also possible adaptation strategies will be studied and the final goal is to evaluate total costs and the optimal mix of adaptation and mitigation against global changes. This will be achieved utilizing a large set of state-of-the-art modeling tools. PIK contributes the ReMIND-R-MAgPIE system to the project. Key sectors of research will be agriculture, forestry, water, energy, EU competitiveness, labor and international trade. Theoretical innovations concerning discounting, risk and ambiguity will also be developed and tested numerically with models.


Aug 01, 2011 until Jul 31, 2014

Funding Agency

EU - European Union


Alexander Popp