Datenbasierte Informationssysteme für kommunale Akteur:innen zur Abschätzung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von Energiewende und Strukturwandel

The success of the energy transition in the areas of heating, transportation, and local electricity generation will be decided at the local, small-scale level. This involves large and long-term investment decisions (building renovation, choice of heating system, vehicle propulsion, charging infrastructure, own electricity generation), which are largely determined by the municipality and the locally available supply structures, but also by the individual decisions of private households. The aim of the project is to develop a dashboard for municipal decision makers to assess the social and economic impacts of energy transition measures and the resulting structural change. On the one hand, this will allow monitoring the progress of the energy transition at the municipal level and, on the other hand, identify possible future opportunities and challenges when considering municipal energy transition scenarios in the context of national and global development paths. In the PIK subproject "Energy Transition and Demographic Change: Spatial and Social Distributional Effects", a spatially high-resolution household microsimulation model based on a synthetic German population is developed. The model will be used to simulate the effects of the energy transition in the context of demographic change on households and to visualize spatial and social distribution effects. Furthermore, the integration of the model into a macroeconometric input-output model is being worked on. The dashboard and the participatory process with the model municipalities as well as representatives of the German Association of Cities and Towns, the German Association of Counties, and the State Office for Environment and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) will also be integrated.


Oct 01, 2023 until Sep 30, 2026

Funding Agency



Peter Paul Pichler