
European Network engaging Civil society in Low Carbon scenarios

In the core of the project is the development of low carbon scenarios for Germany and France with an ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction target. These scenarios shall respect the 2°C limit of global temperature rise and be focused on energy efficiency and renewable energies without being based only on risky non time-proven technologies. In an iterative dialogue between - macroeconomic models developed by research institutes (IMACLIM-R in France and REMIND-R in Germany) evaluating different panels of policies and their economic impact on sectoral activity, on employment and on prices of goods - and roundtables gathering economic stakeholders (trade unions, consumer associations) a set of policy measures reaching a compromise among the stakeholders will be worked out.

The overall aim of ENCI-LowCarb is to engage civil society in research on low carbon scenarios. This will be achieved by creating a European network related to the factor 4 composed by Civil Society Organisations and research institutes and elaborating two national studies (France and Germany) based on the confrontation between climate policies of low carbon scenarios and civil society organisations.


Apr 01, 2009 until Sep 30, 2011

Funding Agency

EU - European Union

Funding Call



Ottmar Edenhofer