UBA-costs (AdaptCosts)

Optionen für Anpassung im internationalen Klimaschutzregime: Unterstützung bei der Ausgestaltung der Kopenhagen Vereinbarung und der Verhandlung eines Post-2012-Abkommens

This project, conducted together with Germanwatch, primarily aims at analyzing the costs of adaptation in selected important emerging and developing countries.

The project addresses three main questions: (i) Which financial resources are necessary in the selected countries to adapt to climate change? (ii) Which financial resources are already planned and budgeted in national adaptation plans of the selected countries? (iii) What are the financial and institutional adaptive capacities of the selected countries?

In close collaboration with Germanwatch e.V. PIK will lead WP 1 "Abschätzung der Lücken zwischen Handlungserfordernissen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten" and WP 2 "Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse von WP 1 in peer-reviewed journal". Furthermore, PIK will contribute to WP 3 "Analyse der laufenden UNFCCC-Verhandlungen relevant für Anpassung" and WP 4 "Auswertung von drei Verhandlungsrunden für Baustein Anpassung"


May 01, 2011 until Oct 31, 2012

Funding Agency

UBA - Umweltbundesamt


Jürgen Kropp