The following meteorological parameters are observed or measured:
Air temperature
- (Unaspirated) measurement in a wooden open-air thermometer box at the above three observation times as well as hourly evaluation (thermograph).
- Extreme values, maximum, minimum.
Relative humidity
- Determined from the wet-bulb temperature (simple aspirated psychrometer) at the above observation times, hourly evaluation (hygrograph).
Vapour pressure
- Determined from wet-bulb temperature (simple aspirated psychrometer) at the above observation times.
Minimum near-ground temperature
- Determined 5 cm above grass height.
- Direction, strength, peak speeds, momentary and daily values, hourly means.
Ground state
- 10 different types of conditions
1. dry
2. damp
3. wet/soggy
4. frozen hard
5. ice/glazed frost
6. patchy snow
7. broken snow cover, moist
8. complete snow cover, moist
9. broken snow cover, dry-fluffy
10. complete snow cover, dry-fluffy.
Horizontal visibility
- Continuous observation.
- Record-time and daily totals, full-year operating precipitation recorder, hourly analysis of the registered measures between 1. April and 31. October.
Sequence of weather
- Continuous recording of all phenomena.
Cloud cover
- Observation at the above three times, type and degree of cover with and without cirrus clouds.
Snow cover
- Development of snow cover, measurement of total snow depth and new snow depth at 7.00 hrs, determination of water content when snow cover is 1 cm or more deep.
Frost depth
- Daily measurement on an area kept free of snow.
Soil temperatures
- Daily measurement at 1.00 hrs, 7.00 hrs, 13.00 hrs and 19.00 hrs Central European Time at depths of 2 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm, 50 cm and 100 cm.
- Daily measurement at 13.00 hrs at depths of 2 m, 4 m, and 6 m.
- On Mondays at 13.00 hrs measurement at 12 m depth.
- Site consecutively kept free of snow.
Sunshine duration
- Recording of hourly and daily sums.
- Sunshine recording by the Campbell-Stokes method using a yellow-colored sphere.
Air pressure
- Daily recording at the three observation times plus 3-hourly analysis.
Saturation deficit
- Measurement at 14.00 hrs.
Event days
- Characterization according to sequence of weather.
Optical phenomena
- The usual observational program at weather stations, special observations of red sky and afterglow.