Investigating teleconnections of weather extremes: GOTHAM Summer School

09/22/2017 - To investigate teleconnections and their role in causing extreme weather events, twenty-five young scientists from all over the world have been gathering this week at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Firstly, when the weather is changing in one place on Earth, this can influence rain or wind or temperatures in another distant place. Investigating this issue using cutting-edge mathematics is front and centre at this year’s GOTHAM summer school – Globally Observed Teleconnections and their role and representation in Hierarchies of Atmospheric Models.
Investigating teleconnections of weather extremes: GOTHAM Summer School

In the face of weather events like El Niño or the Indian Monsoon, research into remote drivers of weather extremes is particularly relevant. The GOTHAM Summer School trains young scientists on interdisciplinary scientific topics and provides them with methodological tools necessary for investigating teleconnections and their impacts on extreme weather events. Teleconnections are defined by the American Meteorological Society as “a linkage between weather changes occurring in widely separated regions of the globe”. 

GOTHAM is a new project involving CPDN (, a computing model predicting climate and global warming, that aims to identify the relative impact of different teleconnections on extreme weather events. Speakers include Ted Shepherd from the University of Reading, Antje Weisheimer and colleagues from the University of Oxford, UK, Bo Wu and Tianjun Zhou from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in China, Krishnan Raghavan and Ramesh Vellore from the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, plus from PIK Stefan Rahmstorf, Dim Coumou, Reik Donner, Elena Surovyatkina, and others.


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