Drought, heavy rain and heat waves will affect tourism business

10/28/2021 - A new study for the Federal German Environment Agency with PIK participation shows how travel regions can adapt to climate change. Climate change in Germany will lead to more heat, increased drought with water scarcity and forest fires, less snow reliability, and increased heavy rain and flooding. Tourism will have to adapt.
Drought, heavy rain and heat waves will affect tourism business
Photo: Andreas Gruhl/Fotolia

The final report of the research commissioned by the Federal Environment Ministry with contributions by PIK researchers Fred Hattermann and Peter Hoffmann suggests that tourism regions should prepare now to continue to be attractive to travelers.

Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze: "Tourism is both a cause and a victim of climate change. Around five percent of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide are attributable to tourism alone, or more than one billion tons per year. The countermeasures are clear: It is better to travel regionally and by train instead of by car or plane. Energy-efficient hotel facilities with green electricity protect the climate and are good for their tourist region. After all, the consequences of climate change, such as high or low water, mean significant losses in revenue. Where tourism is the only source of income, people are hit particularly hard. To help those responsible on the ground find good solutions for climate adaptation, the federal government provides them with consulting services and funding for projects or adaptation managers."

As consequences of climate change and the framework conditions for tourism vary for each destination, the adaptation options also vary. There is no general recommendation as to which measures should be implemented. However, tourism regions can prepare themselves for future changes with generally applicable precautionary measures, which the authors list in their report.


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