"This is the first time we ever do such an expedition within the framework of the Junge Akademie. I am very excited about the joint research and exchange on site. Progressive climate change and the occurrence of micro plastics in even the most remote regions of the earth show that we humans are impacting our environment more than ever before," explains climate scientist Ricarda Winkelmann from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the University of Potsdam on behalf of the expedition team. "Especially as Junge Akademie, we have the opportunity to bring together many different disciplines and do research together on such an important topic as the influence of humans on their environment. I hope that we can simultaneously help communicating science to a wider audience and find out more about how interdisciplinary research can work today."
The other members of the expedition are:
• Miriam Akkermann, sound ecology
• Martin-Immanuel Bittner, medicine
• Christian Hof, biology
• Robert Kretschmer, chemnistry
• Dirk Pflüger, computer science
In cooperation with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung the scientists publish an expedition blog: https://blogs.faz.net/expedition/
You can follow the expedition here: https://expedition.diejungeakademie.de/?lang=en