Potsdam Summer School 2018: The skin of our planet

12/09/2018 - 42 outstanding young talents from 36 countries around the world will come together in Potsdam to discuss the interplay of dynamic processes on the Earth's surface. This year’s Potsdam Summer School, from the 10 to 19 September, is dealing with the skin of our planet, also featuring experts from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). In lectures, discussions and workshops with scientists from leading research institutes in Potsdam, but also on an excursion to the Spreewald Biosphere Reserve, international young talents from science, industry and the public sector will discuss highly topical research issues and strengthen international cooperation.
Potsdam Summer School 2018: The skin of our planet

What function has the earth's surface as a habitat and how has it been changed by humankind? What does sustainable land management look like? What role does the changing climate play? Contributing from PIK will be Hermann Lotze-Campen and Alexander Popp giving a lecture on the future of sustainable land use. Peter-Paul Pichler will talk with the young talents about the potential of cities in reducing CO2 footprints. Pathways to an emission-free economy and what this means for energy systems and energy policies will be discussed by Gunnar Luderer and Kai Lessmann. Ilona Otto and Constanze Werner from PIK will stage a workshop on planetary boundaries together with scientists from other research institutes.

The Potsdam Summer School offers a unique opportunity to promote international cooperation and an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas. In cooperation with Geo.X, the research network of geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam and the city of Potsdam, the Potsdam Summer School is organised by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research (IASS), the University of Potsdam, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

More Information: https://potsdam-summer-school.org/

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