06/03/2022 - Development economist Svenja Fluhrer was awarded with the prize "Ökonomie des Klimawandels - Early Career Best Paper Award" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. She received the award for her paper "Sitting in the same boat: Subjective well-being and social comparison after an extreme weather event", published in Ecological Economics.

The Prize was presented at the final conference of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research "10 years of economic research on climate action". Svenja Fluhrer conducts research on socio-economic implications of climate change and works in the field of applied Micro-Economics and Econometrics at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK. Besides the PIK-Scientist also Lorenzo Montrone from The Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change and Hannes Greve from the German Institute for Global and Area Studies received the award.
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