PIK research among most cited papers in policy documents worldwide

19.04.2024 - Three research papers conducted by PIK director Johan Rockström are among the top ten most cited papers in policy documents. This is according to an analysis of data provided to the journal Nature.
PIK research among most cited papers in policy documents worldwide
The current status of the nine Planetary boundaries, based on Richardson et al., Science Advances (2023). The Planetary boundaries paper from 2015 is one of the three papers, authored or co-written by PIK Director Johan Rockström, that is featured in the top ten most cited papers in policy documents.

The scientific journal Nature has published an exclusive list of research papers that have gained the most attention from policymakers. When economics articles are excluded– which otherwise dominate the list – three articles authored or co-written by Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), are featured in the top ten.

Most-cited papers — excluding economics research

For the analysis, the London-based firm Overton accumulated around 1,100 citations in policy documents and maintained a database of more than 12 million policy documents, think-tank papers, white papers and guidelines. Nature does point out, however, that Overton’s database has a bias towards documents published in English.


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