PIK ranked among top climate think tanks worldwide

01/27/2017 The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) belongs to the top environmental think tanks worldwide, a new ranking shows. Only the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) has scored better in this category, according to the "Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2016" that has just been published by the University of Pennsylvania. PIK improved its position from rank 7 last year and rank 8 in the year before. Altogether, the ranking considered more than 6000 institutions across the globe.
PIK ranked among top climate think tanks worldwide

As the number 2 "Top Environment Policy Think Tank" worldwide, PIK has been placed right before the World Resources Institute in Washington D.C. In the general think tank ranking, Brookings Institution from the US came out on top, followed by the UK's Chatham House and the French Institute of International Relations. The yearly ranking started in 2007 and relies on the help of a panel of over 1,900 peer institutions and experts from the print and electronic media, academia, public and private donor institutions, and governments around the world.

Weblink to the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report: http://repository.upenn.edu/think_tanks/