The software itself is a scientific product to be made available to society. PREMUS will enable scientists with limited resources to run their own scenario analyses and have a share in PIK´s accumulated knowledge.
To achieve greater open access and make the models available to a bigger scientific community, the new PREMUS project (“Prepare REMIND-MAgPIE for Users“) will streamline the installation procedures of both models, REMIND and MAgPIE, and develop tutorials that will be made readily available to interested parties. With regards to the REMIND model, the project will establish efficient processes for third-party users, including input data distribution, to facilitate their use of the model. For the MAgPIE model, which is already in use by researchers outside of PIK, the focus will be on refining the contribution workflow and integrating the framework better with the wider research community.
The PREMUS project is going to be funded by DFG for three years. Model introduction workshops for new users already start next year so that the community can profit from the benefits at an early stage. By sharing the software, also the models will improve in quality due to the broader feedback from a higher number of users.
Link to the REMIND model:
Link to the MAgPIE model:
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