05/10/2017 - A whole day to get together, share experiences and train in different science related fields: The doctoral candidates of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research met for a conference recently to discuss their work and compare notes with each other on their theses. Next to new PhD candidates that introduced their work to their colleagues, the day focused on several inputs on topics like communication, time management, slide writing and presentation techniques. There are currently 73 young researchers from 18 countries working on their PhDs across all four PIK research domains.

Also, on the occasion of the PhD Day the prize for the best dissertation 2016 was awarded by Manfred Stock, chair of the association "Friends and Promoters of PIK". Leonie Wenz of PIK's research domain Sustainable Solutions received the award for her thesis on "Climate change impacts in an increasingly connected world". Deniz Eroglu of PIK's research domain Transdisciplinary Concepts & Methods received the prize for his dissertation on "Entrapping hidden changes in nature".
Further information on PIK's PhD programme: