For some time now, young people all over the world have been taking to the streets to help stabilize our climate. The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin supports the commitment of young people and would like to serve as a forum to inform about the state of research and to enable an exchange between all interested parties.
The two Leibniz Institutes, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, invite you to a weekly digital exchange with scientists during the Berlin summer holidays from 06/26/20 - 08/07/20, each Friday at 2 PM. Various climate-related problems and solutions will be presented and further developed together with all participants.
Since the Summer School is being held digitally for the first time due to the ongoing corona pandemic, all interested parties throughout Germany are invited to attend. The meetings take place via zoom, so that the participants can not only listen, but also enter into a direct exchange with all participants. The links to the individual events can be found here a few days before the event.
Topics include the Top 10 of climate research in 2019, the similarities and differences to the corona crisis and climate crisis, climate impacts and their adaptation, as well as sea level rise, planetary boundaries and global inequality.
06/26 - Maximilian Kotz, Timothé Beaufils, Lennart Quante, Annika Stechemesser
"Living on a warming planet"
07/03 - Prof. Dr. Manfred Stock
"Corona-Krise vs. Klimakrise: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede"
07/10 - Dr. Maria Martin
"Jahresrückblick 2019: Die Top-10 der Klimaforschung"
07/17 - Dr. Johanna Beckmann und Dr. Ronja Reese
"Eis, Kipppunkte und der Meeresspiegelanstieg"
07/24 - Dr. Björn Sörgel
"Klimawandel, globale Ungleichheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung"
07/31 - Dr. Jobst Heitzig
"Planetare Grenzen und internationale Klimaschutzkoalitionen"
Finally, the contributions will be summarized and discussed together with representatives from Fridays for Future and researchers from PIK on 08/07/20. Again, all interested parties are welcome to actively participate and join the discussion.