"The security and prosperity of humankind in our century depends on not transgressing Planetary Boundaries and managing the global commons, from public health to climate stability", Johan Rockström and Ottmar Edenhofer who, together, lead PIK, said in a statement after the Petersberg event. "It is thus reassuring to see that one of the most experienced democratic leaders, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, made very clear how important the commitment to climate stabilization is today. She is absolutely right in saying that to counter the economic effects of the Corona crisis, we need to make climate action part of the great re-boot. Merkel and German are thus staying on course in the common effort of rapidly reducing greenhouse gases. This is an important reassurance in the midst of the global health crisis."
Weblink to Chancellor Merkel's speech: https://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/bkin-de/aktuelles/rede-von-bundeskanzlerin-merkel-im-rahmen-des-xi-petersberger-klimadialogs-am-28-april-2020-videokonferenz--1748018
Weblink to Petersberg Climate Dialogue: https://www.bmu.de/en/petersberg-climate-dialogue-xi/