“I’m very honoured to receive the Piers Sellers Prize”, states Leonie Wenz. “It emphasises the importance of research on the economic and societal costs of climate change. My research shows that these costs are massive and highly unequally distributed. We urgently need more adaptation and mitigation efforts to reduce them – protecting our climate means protecting ourselves.” Her work combines both economics and physical climate science drawing attention to the cost of climate change impacts such as extreme weather. It has been covered widely by international media and has informed decision makers across the world, from Germany to Europe and the US. Leonie Wenz heads the Working Group “Data-based analysis of climate decisions” at PIK and recently published studies on the economic commitment of climate change, and on the impact of climate change on water collection times and women’s welfare.
The second 2024 awardee is Carol Zavaleta Cortijo from the Cayetano Heredia University in Peru. Her work focuses on climate change and the health of Indigenous peoples. The award is bestowed annually in the name of Piers Sellers, the former astronaut, climate scientist and Leeds alumnus, by the Priestley Centre for Climate Futures at the University of Leeds.
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