Leonie Wenz, co-deputy head of Research Department 4 Complexity Science at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, works on the socioeconomic impacts of climate change by use of various mathematical data-analysis methods and models. In particular, she studies how we - individually and as societies - respond to weather extremes and a changing climatic environment with the aim of deriving sustainable adaptation strategies and development pathways. She leads the working group "Data-based analysis of climate decisions".
Wenz's dissertation, "Climate change impacts in an increasingly connected world," was awarded the Leibniz Association's Doctorate Award 2017. In the thesis, Wenz showed that over the past ten years, augmenting interconnectedness and the resulting growing economic interdependences of global supply relationships have led to an increased vulnerability of the economic system as these losses can be spread more easily across national borders. For this, the mathematician developed equations for the diffusion of production losses along the economic production network on the basis of psychological and economic literature.
Overall, ten new members were admitted into the Academy last weekend - distinguished young scientists from different disciplines ranging from biophysics to history of science, and one artist. The Young Academy numbers 50 members and has set itself the task of encouraging academic - especially interdisciplinary - discourse among outstanding young academics as well as promoting initiatives at the intersection of academia and society.
All members of the Young Academy:
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