Katja Frieler: Climate Impact Professorship at the University of Potsdam

06/05/2024 - Katja Frieler, head of the “Transformation Pathways” research department and the “Pathway-specific climate risks” division at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), took up the professorship for Climate Impacts at the University of Potsdam on April 1 this year.
Katja Frieler: Climate Impact Professorship at the University of Potsdam

The professorship at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is a joint appointment with PIK as a non-university research institution and part of the competitive Leibniz Programme for Women Professors. This programme is aimed at internationally outstanding female scientists from all disciplines.

Katja Frieler's research within the Leibniz Professorship Programme is focused on the attribution of climate impacts. Satellite data and simulations of climate impact models are used to quantify the damage caused by climate change that is already occurring today. The aim is to quantify the share of climate change in observed changes in the occurrence of droughts, forest fires and floods and how it influences the associated displacement and economic damage.


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