Just & In–Time Climate Policy Four Initiatives for a Fair Transformation

31/08/2018 - Together with the Minister for the Environment, Svenja Schulze, and Georg Schütte from the Federal Ministry for Innovation and Research, PIK Director Hans Joachim Schellnhuber presented a new policy paper of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). It names four necessary initiatives for fair and timely climate policy.
Just & In–Time Climate Policy Four Initiatives for a Fair Transformation

The policy paper focusses on the the question how a just and in-time transformation could be achieved while considering all people affected, strengthen their capacity to act, obligate those responsible for climate change and create national and global perspectives for the future. The WBGU proposes four exemplary initiatives: realize a participatoty and just decarbonization process early on; give people harmed by climate impacts access to justice; establish a climate passport for humane climate-induced migration; create transformation funds for just and in-time structural change.

The policy paper can be downloaded here: https://www.wbgu.de/en/policy-papers/politikpapier-9-2018-zeit-gerechte-klimapolitik-en/

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