![World Bank launches online course on climate change World Bank launches online course on climate change](https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/news/latest-news/archive-news/2014/world-bank-launches-online-course-on-4-degrees-report/@@images/image.jpeg)
Building on PIK’s groundbreaking 4 degrees briefing for the World Bank the MOOC will provide an overview of the rise of greenhouse-gas emissions since pre-industrial times, projected changes in climate leading up to the end of the 21st century and the implications of a 4 degrees warmer world across key human support systems like agriculture and food production, water resources, ecosystems and biodiversity or human health. The course will also address mitigation and adaptation paths needed to avoid a 4 degrees world and share perspectives from a range of actors and a range of key policy measures and climate actions.
Leaders from various countries, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and civil society are invited to exchange ideas and examples of effective policies and actions that can help in the transition towards low-emissions and climate-resilient development paths. The course is open to everyone with an interest in climate change, with one course track for the general public and a second track for policymakers. The MOOC has a week-by-week structure and includes 17 interactive video talks by renowned climate scientists and practitioners, a variety of course material, quizzes, assignments, discussion forums and social media as well as Google hangouts on air with international experts.
More information on the course and registration:
More information on the 4 degrees report: