![Which adaptation is possible? Climate Service Center meets in Potsdam Which adaptation is possible? Climate Service Center meets in Potsdam](https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/news/latest-news/archive-news/2014/which-adaptation-is-possible-climate-service-center-meets-in-potsdam/@@images/image.jpeg)
“We are of course delighted that this conference was held in Potsdam – this is also an acknowledgement of our hometown as a place of science,” said Stefan Rahmstorf, head of the research domain Earth System Analysis of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). “Human-caused climate change is one the greatest scientific challenges of our time.” Other speakers of the conference included Mark Lawrence, Scientific Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Dirk Messner, Director of the German Development Institute, as well as Johan Rockström of the Stockholm Resilience Centre – as well as Monika Baer of BASF and Sabine Kunst, Minister of Research of the State of Brandenburg.
Weblink to the CSC: http://www.climate-service-center.de/009868/index_0009868.html.de