“Global problems require globally coordinated science”: First German Future Earth Summit

01/27/2014 - The ten-year research programme “Future Earth”, an initiative of leading international scientific organizations bringing together existing programmes on global environmental change, starts its first German summit in Berlin today. More than 230 experts from natural and social sciences as well as engineering, the humanities and law will discuss new, interdisciplinary approaches or research in three core areas: Dynamic Planet, Global Development, and the Transition towards Sustainability. They aim at providing knowledge needed to tackle the most urgent challenges of the 21st century related to global sustainability through open and collaborative processes in partnership with society and users of science.
“Global problems require globally coordinated science”: First German Future Earth Summit

"Global problems often require globally coordinated science,” says Wolfgang Lucht, co-chair of the research domain “Earth System Analysis” of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. “Science is stepping up to this challenge by integrating knowledge across disciplines and coordinating research with its users. Urgent issues on the table from food security to climate change will hopefully benefit from this.”

Being one of only six members of the German Future Earth committee which are appointed by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Lucht is one of the organizers of the summit and moderates the debate about global development. “The tremendous interest we see in the first German Future Earth Summit shows that the community is ready,” he says. “With the core research topics that will be now identified we have the opportunity to help develop the international programme, and to bring the focus of German research up to date.”


Weblink to Future Earth International: http://www.futureearth.info/

Weblink to the German Committee for Future Earth: http://www.dkn-future-earth.org/

Weblink to the First German Future Earth Summit: http://2014.dkn-future-earth.de/

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