Water management in China: High-ranking delegation discusses with scientists

09/16/2013 - A high-ranking group of Chinese experts visited the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) for discussions about water management under the conditions of climate change. The Haihe River Commission's delegation was led by its General Director Ren Xianshao, who is directly linked to the Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic. Both sides discussed how a new cooperation project on the river basin of Luan can be realised. This river basin supplies Tianjin with water – the third largest city of China.
Water management in China: High-ranking delegation discusses with scientists

“With its computer simulations on water cycles, PIK helps to close perceptual gaps – this involves the amount of water available and its quality”, says project leader Frank Wechsung. “We are very glad to have the opportunity to learn from each other.” Scientists at PIK developed the methods on the basis of research on the impacts of global change for the German river Elbe. Together with the Chinese partners, the results have already been brought into a successfully completed project for the Guanting river basin.

In addition to the joint modelling of the river system, the water quality in the reservoirs of the region will be improved in the following years. PIK is cooperating here with the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), which is working on a method for sustainable fish farming in large reservoirs. The Haihe rive basin for which the commission is responsible is more than twice as large as the whole Elbe river basin; moreover it surrounds the State Capital of China Beijing.

The Chinese delegation met at PIK with representatives from the Chinese Embassy in Berlin, the Leibniz Association and representatives of the State of Brandenburg. The State of Brandenburg enjoys a long-standing partnership with the Chinese province Hebei, which also involves possibilities for the export of engineering technology in the water sector and scientific exchange, especially regarding the promotion of young scientists.


Link to the Guanting project: http://www.guanting.de/

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