PIK receives award for gender equality

11/04/2010 – The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) received the "Total E-Quality" Award for a successful commitment to equal opportunities for women and men at the workplace on Thursday in Erfurt. The jury of the association honored the gender equality policies of PIK. Overall, 60 organizations from the public, scientific or business sector received an award for gender equality.
PIK receives award for gender equality

“The winners of the award have recognized that gender equality ultimately leads to more success,” says Eva Maria Roer, chairwoman of the Total E-Quality association. The jury of the Total E-Quality association especially honored the gender equality policies of PIK, which follow the guidelines of the German Research Foundation (DFG). These include the criteria transparency, competence and continuity.

"We are happy that our efforts for equal chances at the workplace are recognized and see this as a motivation for future engagement," says Ingo Bräuer, scientific coordinator at PIK.

"The Institute is planning a further increase in the number of female staff and measures to raise job satisfaction of employees until the year 2015," reads the jury statement. PIK has successfully developed a coherent and institutionalized concept for gender equality, it states further.

Total E-Quality stands for Total Quality Management (TQM), with the addition of the gender component (Equality). Next to equal opportunities for both genders the award is given for exemplary activities in terms of human resource management, the reconciliation of work and family life and the promotion of fair behaviour at the workplace.


Further information:

Total E-Quality Deutschland e.V.

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