Pakistan seeks cooperation with PIK

10/21/2010 – Pakistan which was struck by severe flooding this summer seeks scientific and technical cooperation from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). On this occasion, the country’s government has invited Jürgen Kropp, head of the North-South Research Group at PIK, for a two-day International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Islamabad. Kropp will be one of the keynote speakers at the conference which starts on 21 October. In the conference’s concluding session, he will provide the government with a summary of the proceedings.
Pakistan seeks cooperation with PIK

Pakistan’s goal is to enhance its research on climate change and its risk management especially with regard to climate related national hazards. “Therefore the PIK as a scientific institution with an international reputation can provide a lot of expertise,” says Jürgen Kropp. “We have methodical concepts and models on impacts of climate change that we can provide Pakistan with.”

The interdisciplinary conference, which was co-organized by the UNO, brings together a wide range of stakeholders including policy makers, scientists and international organizations to deliberate on the impacts and risks of climate change. Furthermore, the conference will focus on the means of implementation which are necessary to ensure access to technology and adequate financing, with the main goal of achieving sustainable development in the region.

According to Kropp, the cooperation with Pakistan could enhance a form of climate protection from the bottom-up. “We cannot act solely from a global perspective, it is important to develop alternatives directly in the region,” says the scientist. “It is not sufficient to do climate research in a top-down manner. We have to give countries like India, Pakistan and Brazil concrete assistance in order for these countries to practice climate protection, adaptation to climate change and sustainable development.” In a broader sense, this could be a form of security policy for Pakistan, the scientist concludes, because it contributes to the stabilization of the country, provided agreements are fair.

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Phone: +49 331 288 2507

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