“As a brilliant economist Nicholas Stern has not only made significant contributions to our understanding of climate change from an economics point of view, but to international climate policies as well,” says Ottmar Edenhofer, chief economist of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), who holds the Chair of “Economics of Climate Change” at the TU Berlin, which was co-initiated by the Michael Otto Foundation. “Stern has convincingly shown that investments in climate protection make good economic sense,” Edenhofer adds.
On Wednesday, November 4th, TU President Kurt Kutzler and Dean of the TU Faculty Planning-Building-Environment, Rudolf Schäfer, will bestow the title of Honorary Doctorate “Dr. rer. oec. honoris causa (h.c.)” on Lord Stern. Ottmar Edenhofer will present the laudatory address on the occasion. On that day, Lord Stern, professor at the renowned London School of Economics, will inaugurate the first in a series of TU Berlin “Climate Lectures”. These lectures are organised in cooperation with Vattenfall Europe AG and PIK.
Note to media representatives:
You can find invitations to the 1st Climate Lecture to be held on November 4 at TU Berlin and related Press Briefing with Lord Stern, Prof. Kutzler, Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer and Tuomo Hatakka, CEO Vattenfall Europe AG here:
Press release by the TU Berlin on granting of Honorary Doctorate (pdf-file)