Archive 2004/2005

22 September 2005
Severe impact of the 2003 European heat wave on ecosystems

15 August 2005
Air pollution and forest clearance endanger Indian monsoon mehr

12 August 2005
Success of climate change board game leads to second edition

20 May 2005
Germany's climate - today and tomorrow

19 May 2005
Long Night of Science at PIK

10 May 2005
Schellnhuber internationally honoured twice

28 April 2005
The Winds of Change are blowing

21 April 2005
Potsdam Climate Researcher awarded the EGU Milutin Milankovic Medal

05 April 2005
Girls' Day at PIK

04 April 2005
Changes in Ocean Circulation Could Lead To Rapid Regional Sea Level Change

30 March 2005
Experts Warn Ecosystem Changes Will Continue to Worsen, Putting Global Development Goals At Risk

24 February 2005
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research represented in the Scientific Committee of the European Environmental Agency

23 February 2005
Where Does the North Pole Ice Come From?

31 January 2005
Scientific Ambassador for Brandenburg

14 December 2004
What is dangerous Climate Change?

10 December 2004
Top Scientists launch

10 December 2004
Invitation to the COP 10 Side Event

01 December 2004
Schellnhuber and Rahmstorf appointed members of the German Advisory Council on Global Change

19 November 2004
Society of Friends and Promoters of PIK awarded young scientists

08 November 2004
Fun and Climate Change - do they go together?

02 November 2004
British-German Climate Change Conference in Berlin

01 November 2004
Royal Distinction for Hans Joachim Schellnhuber

29 October 2004
Climate change à la Hollywood: Study on the impact of the film "The Day After Tomorrow"

27 October 2004
Scientists present board game about climate change

25 October 2004
Climate Change Impacts Symposium to Look at Vulnerable Regions

05 October 2004
Sustainable Brandenburg - Cultivated Landscapes between Functionality and Aesthetics

01 October 2004
“PIK Tyndall Summit” in Potsdam

31 August 2004
Biennial Report 2002/2003 published

23 August 2004
Report on Climate Change in Europe

17 June 2004
Better Management for european ecosystems

17 June 2004
Young Scientist Awarded

17 June 2004
Climate Change Challenge" Study (German version only)

05 April 2004
Girls' Day - Zukunftstag für Mädchen - 22. April 2004

01 April 2004
Climate Policy - The Need for European Leadership

01 April 2004
Neue Professuren am PIK

26 March 2004
Klimaforscher bekräftigen Notwendigkeit von Klimaschutz

09 March 2004
Abschlusskonferenz GLOWA-ELBE I, Potsdam, 15.-16. März

03 March 2004
Tag der Hydrologie, Potsdam, 22.-23. März 2004

16 February 2004
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, 12. Juni 2004

24 October 2003
Discussion of Shaviv & Veizer's paper

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