Around 300 researchers, 160 scientific contributions, 1 special jubilee: The NDA23 Conference was a full-on success.
In the opening speech, PIK Director Ottmar Edenhofer underlined the special role of Jürgen Kurths, the former head and, at present, senior advisor of the Complexity Science research department at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research: “Jürgen Kurths is known for his pioneering works on synchronization, recurrence, coherence resonance, measures of complexity, causality and much more. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his scientific achievements. Last, but not least, his scientific publications rank in the top 1% of the most cited literature in engineering worldwide, and he was honoured by Web of Science as a ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ from 2017 to 2022.”
PIK Director Johan Rockström highlighted the tremendous importance of Kurths’ work: ”Throughout his career, Jürgen Kurths has written more than 1,320 publications, among them 1267 peer-reviewed papers, 14 entire books and 23 chapters of books – a great success for science.”
The conference brought together leading scientists with senior and young researchers who deal with nonlinear dynamics, complex systems, machine learning, and their applications for data analysis and modeling in different disciplines. Various experts in the field contributed with talks and poster presentations to the conference. The participants discussed new directions in complex systems science and its applications from the view of different disciplines.
Lots of Jürgen Kurths' former and recent students were present, as well as collaborators, colleagues and researchers interested in this interdisciplinary field.
Link to conference:
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