PhD Day 2024: Program

Preliminary Program

Please find the detailed program with workshop descriptions here.



 9:00 -  9:45

Welcome by Johan Rockström, the PhD Reps, Christine von Bloh & Alison Schlums
(hybrid, Hasselmann Hall)

 9:45 - 10:00

(Hasselmann Hall)

10:00 - 10:45

Talk 1: “A Scientist’s Primer on Mental Health” [Dragonfly Mental Health]
(hybrid, Hasselmann Hall)

10:45 - 11:00

Break (Coffee will be provided)

11:00 - 11:45

Talk 2: “Between Autonomy and Precarity: Academic Labor as Labor” Markus Kienscherf
(hybrid, Hasselmann Hall)

11:45 - 12:00


12:00 - 12:30

Parallel interactive sessions 1: “Become active at PIK!”

Diversity Reps:

Structural Inequality

(hybrid, Telepräsenz Raum)

Greening PIK Initiative:


(Europa Meeting Raum)

Julius Eberhard and Franziska Pointek:

Good Scientific Practice

(Hasselmann Hall)

Sabine Fuss:

The integration of MCC into PIK

(Asien Meeting Raum)

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch (Catering)

14:00 - 16:00

Parallel interactive sessions 2: “Working inside and outside of academia”


(hybrid, Telepräsenz Room)

What does my doctorate have to do with my background?

(Europa Meeting Room)

Job Café

(Hasselmann Hall)

Epistemic Violence: Countering Neocolonialism in Science

(A 31 Westflügel 0.16)
Meet with Jakob in front of A 56 for transit at 1:50 PM

16:00 - 16:30

Break (Coffee will be provided)

16:30 - 18:00

Parallel creative & active sessions (all in presence only)

Poetry Workshop by Patrick Klösel

(Telepresence Room)

Hiking with Lana

(Meeting point: in front of A56)

Movement Games with David Bantje


Historical Guided Tour across the Telegrafenberg

(Meeting point: in front of A56)


Potluck + Social Drinks


  • Joint Life MCC/PIK in Parallel Session 2 has been cancelled.
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