Outreach paper on research funding for polar ECR

12/20/2022 - Early-career researcher publishes a paper on the topic of research funding
Outreach paper on research funding for polar ECR
Graphic: Figure 1 of Nicola, Loebel and Zuhr (2022).

With the help of two of her board member colleagues at APECS Germany, our research group member Lena Nicola composed a small publication on the topic of research funding, which is needed by polar early-career researcher (ECR) to participate in conferences, undertake fieldwork campaigns or pay for salaries, such as in PhD projects or (permanent) research positions. The paper further introduces a list of grant, fellowship and other funding opportunities which is hosted at the APECS Germany website, while highlighting best practices for the funding quest.

Read the full publication in the journal of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Polarforschung here.

Nicola, L., Loebel, E., & Zuhr, A. M. (2022). Money makes our world go round–funding landscape for polar early-career scientists in Germany. Polarforschung, 90(2), 81-84.

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