DFG - SPP1158 Coordination Workshop

09/13/2022 - Ice dynamics group in exchange on recent results and future project proposal
DFG - SPP1158 Coordination Workshop
Picture: Group photo (Credits to Joe Hoffman)

This years coordination workshop of the DFG priority programme "Antarctic Research with Comparative Investigations in Arctic Ice Areas" (SPP1158) took place at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielefeld, Germany.

About 100 scientists from German universities and research institutions which focus on Antarctica in their research came together for the annual meeting. Results from currently funded projects as well as project proposals that are planned to be submitted have been discussed.

The range of represented research fields was extremely diverse, reaching from marine and terrestrial ecosystem studies to observation and modelling of sea ice & land ice processes including ice ocean interactions, isostatic adjustment and geothermal heatflow of the Antarctic bedrock, reconstructions of paleo processes on the basis of sediment and ice core records or remote sensing and Uncrewed Aircraft Systems for atmospheric measurements, just to name a few. Furthermore valuable information was given about the Antarctic infrastructure by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for fieldwork, as well as network opportunities within SCAR, DGP and APECS.

The ice dynamics group has currently two DFG projects funded within the SPP 1158, namely the Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to a changing thermocline (VAST) and the Hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (HASH).

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