Hydroclimatic Risks

Hydroclimatic Risks

The quantification of climate risks at the regional scale will be improved and provided for end-user oriented applications. This includes new modelling methodologies for extremes, quantification of uncertainties along the impact modelling chain, and development of useful climate service solutions. Systematic model intercomparisons will be coordinated for the hydrological and forest sectors in the framework of ISIMIP. These scientific results are expected to be of high interest for the public and private sectors and they are being continuously made available for subsequent impact and adaptation studies.

Cross-sectoral regional impact assessments will be conducted to analyze sectoral feedbacks and conflicts, to support adaptation planning, and to improve societal resilience with respect to agriculture, water resources, forestry, biodiversity, migration, health, and tourism. The entire water-energy-food-climate nexus will be modelled in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia to promote solutions for sustainable development. The results on e.g. hydropower generation, water availability, and crop yields, will be used as input for national-level economic assessments.

Working Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Fred F. Hattermann
phone: +49 (0)331 288 2649
email: hattermann@pik-potsdam.de

Deputy Working Group Leader

Dr. Peter Hoffmann
phone: +49 (0)331 288 2628
email: peter.hoffmann@pik-potsdam.de



Research Questions:

  • How to achieve regional energy, food and water security under climate change?
  • How to improve robustness of impact assessments?
  • What are human dimensions of climate change in most effected regions?
  • What are possible chances for a regional carbon free development

Current projects

Completed projects



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