
Working Group Event-based modeling of economic impacts of climate change
Gütschow, Johannes, Jeffery, M. Louise, Schaeffer, M., Hare, B. (2018): Extending near-term emissions scenarios to assess warming implications of Paris Agreement NDCs - Earth's Future
Jeffery, M. Louise, Gütschow, Johannes, Gieseke, Robert, Gebel, Ronja (2018): PRIMAP-crf: UNFCCC CRF data in IPCC 2006 categories - Earth System Science Data
Willner, Sven, Otto, Christian, Levermann, Anders (2018): Global economic response to river floods - Nature Climate Change
Robiou du Pont, Y., Jeffery, M. Louise, Gütschow, Johannes, Rogelj, J., Christoff, P., Meinshausen, Malte (2017): Equitable mitigation to achieve the Paris Agreement goals - Nature Climate Change
Schewe, Jacob, Otto, Christian, Frieler, Katja (2017): The role of storage dynamics in annual wheat prices - Environmental Research Letters
Otto, Christian, Willner, Sven, Wenz, Leonie, Frieler, Katja, Levermann, Anders (2017): Modeling loss-propagation in the global supply network: The dynamic agent-based model acclimate - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Geiger, Tobias, Frieler, Katja, Levermann, Anders (2017): Reply to Comment on 'High-income does not protect against hurricane losses' - Environmental Research Letters
Gütschow, Johannes, Jeffery, M. Louise, Gieseke, Robert, Gebel, Ronja, Stevens, David, Krapp, M., Rocha, M. (2016): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series - Earth System Science Data
Geiger, Tobias, Frieler, Katja, Levermann, Anders (2016): High-income does not protect against hurricane losses - Environmental Research Letters
Robiou du Pont, Y., Jeffery, M. Louise, Gütschow, Johannes, Christoff, P., Meinshausen, Malte (2016): National contributions for decarbonizing the world economy in line with the G7 agreement - Environmental Research Letters


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