
Transformation Pathways
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Stehfest, E., Zeist, W.-J. van, Valin, H., Havlik, P., Popp, Alexander, Kyle, P., Tabeau, A., Mason-D'Croz, D., Hasegawa, T., Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Calvin, K., Doelman, J. C., Fujimori, S., Humpenöder, Florian, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Meijl, H. van, Wiebe, K. (2019): Key determinants of global land-use projections - Nature Communications
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Pahle, Michael, Zabel, C., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Fahl, U., Fischedick, M., Hufendiek, K., Knodt, M., Löschel, A., Luderer, Gunnar, Ober, S., Pietzcker, Robert C., Renn, O., Schlacke, S., Sensfuß, F. (2019): Interdisziplinärer Synthesebericht zum Kohleausstieg: ENavi informiert die Kohlekommission - GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society
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Piontek, Franziska, Kalkuhl, Matthias, Kriegler, Elmar, Schultes, Anselm, Leimbach, Marian, Edenhofer, Ottmar, Bauer, Nicolas (2019): Economic growth effects of alternative climate change impact channels in economic modeling - Environmental and Resource Economics
Schewe, Jacob, Gosling, S. N., Reyer, Christopher P. O., Zhao, F., Ciais, P., Elliott, J., Francois, L., Huber, V., Lotze, H. K., Seneviratne, S. I., Vliet, M. T. H. van, Vautard, R., Wada, Y., Breuer, L., Büchner, Matthias, Carozza, D. A., Chang, J., Coll, M., Deryng, D., Wit, A. de, Eddy, T. D., Folberth, C., Frieler, Katja, Friend, A. D., Gerten, Dieter, Gudmundsson, L., Hanasaki, N., Ito, A., Khabarov, N., Kim, H., Lawrence, P., Morfopoulos, C., Müller, Christoph, Müller Schmied, H., Orth, R., Ostberg, Sebastian, Pokhrel, Y., Pugh, T. A. M., Sakurai, G., Satoh, Y., Schmid, E., Stacke, T., Steenbeek, J., Steinkamp, J., Tang, Q., Tian, H., Tittensor, D. P., Volkholz, Jan, Wang, X., Warszawski, Lila (2019): State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes - Nature Communications
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Sterly, H., Etzold, B., Wirkus, L., Sakdapolrak, P., Schewe, Jacob, Schleussner, C.-F., Hennig, B. (2019): Assessing Refugees’ Onward Mobility with Mobile Phone Data - A Case Study of (Syrian) Refugees in Turkey - Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios
Gidden, M. J., Riahi, K., Smith, S. J., Fujimori, S., Luderer, Gunnar, Kriegler, Elmar, Vuuren, D. P. van, Berg, M. van den, Feng, L., Klein, D., Calvin, K., Doelman, J. C., Frank, S., Fricko, O., Harmsen, M., Hasegawa, T., Havlik, P., Hilaire, J., Hoesly, R., Horing, J., Popp, Alexander, Stehfest, E., Takahashi, K. (2019): Global emissions pathways under different socioeconomic scenarios for use in CMIP6: a dataset of harmonized emissions trajectories through the end of the century - Geoscientific Model Development
Lotze, H. K., Tittensor, D. P., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Eddy, T. D., Cheung, W. W. L., Galbraith, E. D., Barange, M., Barrier, N., Bianchi, D., Blanchard, J. L., Bopp, L., Büchner, Matthias, Bulman, C. M., Carozza, D. A., Christensen, V., Coll, M., Dunne, J. P., Fulton, E. A., Jennings, S., Jones, M. C., Mackinson, S., Maury, O., Niiranen, S., Oliveros-Ramos, R., Roy, T., Fernandes, J. A., Schewe, Jacob, Shin, Y.-J., Silva, T. A. M., Steenbeek, J., Stock, C. A., Verley, P., Volkholz, Jan, Walker, N. D., Worm, B. (2019): Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
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Rogelj, J., Forster, P. M., Kriegler, Elmar, Smith, C. J., Séférian, R. (2019): Estimating and tracking the remaining carbon budget for stringent climate targets - Nature
Pahle, Michael, Edenhofer, Ottmar, Pietzcker, Robert C., Tietjen, O., Osorio, S., Flachsland, C. (2019): Die unterschätzten Risiken des Kohleausstiegs - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen
Jakob, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Kornek, U., Lenzi, D., Minx, J. (2019): Governing the Commons to Promote Global Justice: Climate Change Mitigation and Rent Taxation - Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy
Feldmann, Johannes, Levermann, Anders, Mengel, Matthias (2019): Stabilizing the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by surface mass deposition - Science Advances
Hilaire, Jérôme, Minx, J. C., Callaghan, M. W., Edmonds, J., Luderer, Gunnar, Nemet, G. F., Rogelj, J., del Mar Zamora, M. (2019): Negative emissions and international climate goals - learning from and about mitigation scenarios - Climatic Change
Röhrig, Felicitas, Lange, Stefan, Aschenbrenner, Paula, Chemura, Abel, Gornott, Christoph, Murken, Lisa, Grams, E., Klockemann, L., Romanato, E., Haider, J. (2019): Climate Risk Profile: Ghana