
Transformation Pathways
Knopf, B., Pahle, Michael, Kondziella, H., Joas, F., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Bruckner, T. (2014): Germany's nuclear phase-out: Sensitivities and impacts on electricity prices and CO2 emissions - Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy
Kowarsch, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Steger, F. (2014): Vom Umgang mit Wertekonflikten in wissenschaftlichen Gutachten zur Klimapolitik - Bedroht Entscheidungsfreiheit Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit?
Müller, C., Elliott, J., Levermann, Anders (2014): Food security: Fertilizing hidden hunger - [News and Views] - Nature Climate Change
Luderer, Gunnar, Krey, V., Calvin, K., Merrick, J., Mima, S., Pietzcker, Robert C., Vliet, J. van, Wada, K. (2014): The role of renewable energy in climate stabilization: results from the EMF27 scenarios - Climatic Change
Nahmmacher, P., Schmid, E., Hirth, L., Knopf, B. (2014): Carpe Diem: A Novel Approach to Select Representative Days for Long-Term Power System Models with High Shares of Renewable Energy Sources - Carpe Diem: A Novel Approach to Select Representative Days for Long-Term Power System Models with High Shares of Renewable Energy Sources, USAEE Working Paper ; 14-194
Humpenöder, Florian, Popp, Alexander, Dietrich, J. P., Klein, D., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Bonsch, M., Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Weindl, I., Stevanovic, M., Müller, C. (2014): Investigating afforestation and bioenergy CCS as climate change mitigation strategies - Environmental Research Letters
Weyant, J., Kriegler, Elmar (2014): Preface and introduction to EMF 27 - Climatic Change
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Steckel, J. C., Jakob, M. (2014): Does environmental sustainability contradict prosperity? - Global Policy
Kriegler, Elmar, Riahi, K., Petermann, N., Bosetti, V., Capros, P., Vuuren, D. P. van, Criqui, P., Egenhofer, C., Fragkos, P., Johnson, N., Paroussos, L., Behrens, A., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2014): Assessing Pathways toward Ambitious Climate Targets at the Global and European Levels A synthesis of results from the AMPERE project - Assessing Pathways toward Ambitious Climate Targets at the Global and European Levels A synthesis of results from the AMPERE project
Jakob, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Rogall, H., Binswanger, H.-C., Ekardt, F., Grothe, A., Hasenclever, W.-D., Hauchler, I., Jänicke, M., Kollmann, K., Michaelis, N. V., Nutzinger, H. G., Scherhorn, G. (2014): Multiple Objectives for the Governance of the Global Commons - Im Brennpunkt: Die Energiewende als gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozess, Jahrbuch Nachhaltige Ökonomie ; 4.2014/2015
Kretschmer, B., Hübler, M., Nunnenkamp, P. (2013): Does foreign aid reduce energy and carbon intensities of developing economies - Journal of International Development
Waha, K., Müller, C., Bondeau, A., Dietrich, J. P., Kurukulasuriya, P., Heinke, J., Lotze-Campen, Hermann (2013): Adaptation to climate change through the choice of cropping system and sowing date in sub-Saharan Africa - Global Environmental Change
Kriegler, Elmar, Tavoni, M., Aboumahboub, T., Luderer, Gunnar, Calvin, K., De Maere, G., Krey, V., Riahi, K., Rösler, H., Schaeffer, M., van Vuuren, D. (2013): What does the 2°C target imply for a global climate agreement in 2020? The LIMITS study on Durban Platform scenarios - Climate Change Economics
Stuermer, M., Schwerhoff, G. (2013): Technological Change in Resource Extraction and Endogenous Growth - Technological Change in Resource Extraction and Endogenous Growth, Bonn Econ Discussion Papers ; 12/2013
Hirth, L., Ueckerdt, F., Stolten, D., Scherer, V. (2013): The Decreasing Market Value of Variable Renewables: Integration Options and Deadlocks - Transition to Renewable Energy Systems
McCollum, D., Nagai, Y., Riahi, K., Marangoni, G., Calvin, K., Pietzcker, Robert C., Vliet, J. van, Zwaan, B. van der (2013): Energy investments under climate policy: a comparison of global models - Climate Change Economics
Flachsland, C., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2013): Auf mehreren Ebenen agieren. Klimaschutz und Transformation - Politische Ökologie
Menon, A., Levermann, Anders, Schewe, Jacob, Lehmann, J., Frieler, Katja (2013): Consistent increase in Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability across CMIP-5 models - Earth System Dynamics
Schmidt, M. G. W., Held, H., Kriegler, Elmar, Lorenz, A. (2013): Climate policy under uncertain and heterogeneous climate damages - Environmental and Resource Economics
Steckel, J. C., Brecha, R. J., Jakob, M., Strefler, Jessica, Luderer, Gunnar (2013): Development without energy? Assessing future scenarios of energy consumption in developing countries - Ecological Economics
Kunreuther, H., Heal, G., Allen, M., Edenhofer, Ottmar, Field, C. B., Yohe, G. (2013): Risk management and climate change - Nature Climate Change
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Mattauch, L., Siegmeier, J. (2013): Hypergeorgism: When is Rent Taxation as a Remedy for Insufficient Capital Accumulation Socially Optimal? - CESifo Working Paper
Schwerhoff, G., Edenhofer, Ottmar (2013): Is Capital Mobility Good for Public Good Provision? - CESifo Working Paper
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Flachsland, C., Drenckhahn, D., Hacker, J. (2013): Globale Energiewende - Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung - Rolle der Wissenschaft im Globalen Wandel, Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. ; Bd. 118, Nr. 400