
Working Group Terrestrial Safe Operating Space (TESS)
Kuparinen, A., Boit, A., Valdovinos, F. S., Lassaux, H., Martinez, N. D. (2016): Fishing-induced life-history changes degrade and destabilize harvested ecosystems - Nature Scientific Reports
Lucht, Wolfgang (2016): Das Vertagen und Wegsehen ist zu Ende - Nachrichten der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern
Schaphoff, Sibyll, Reyer, Christopher P. O., Schepaschenko, D., Gerten, Dieter, Shvidenko, A. (2016): Tamm Review: Observed and projected climate change impacts on Russia’s forests and its carbon balance - Forest Ecology and Management
Plutzar, C., Kroisleitner, C., Haberl, H., Fetzel, T., Bulgheroni, C., Beringer, T., Hostert, P., Kastner, T., Kuemmerle, T., Lauk, C., Levers, C., Lindner, M., Moser, D., Müller, D., Niedertscheider, M., Paracchini, M.L., Schaphoff, Sibyll, Verburg, P. H., Verkerk, P. J., Erb, K.-H. (2016): Changes in the spatial patterns of human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) in Europe 1990–2006 - Regional Environmental Change
Jägermeyr, Jonas, Gerten, Dieter, Schaphoff, Sibyll, Heinke, Jens, Lucht, Wolfgang, Rockström, J. (2016): Integrated crop water management might sustainably halve the global food gap - Environmental Research Letters