Many members from the Ice Dynamics group joined this year's EGU General Assembly, which is the biggest European Geoscience conference with ca 18,000 participants. The conference took place from 23-28 April 2023 in a hybrid format, where about 80% of all participants met in Vienna in person.
Our contributions in the form of talks, posters and co-convening sessions focused on various aspects of Ice-sheet and climate interactions; tipping behaviour in the Earth system; and the Southern Ocean connections to Antarctic ice shelves:
- Johannes Feldmann: Hysteresis of idealized marine outlet glaciers under variation of pinning-point buttressing
- Ann Kristin Klose: (Ir)reversibility of future Antarctic mass loss on multi-millennial timescales
- Moritz Kreuzer: Interactive coupling of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the global ocean
- Lena Nicola: Identifying thresholds of ocean-induced Antarctic ice loss through idealized ice-sheet model simulations
- Simon Schöll: Ice shelf buttressing – a comparison of Antarctic ice shelves in a transient evolution
- Helen Werner: Impact of spatial resolution on large-scale ice cover modeling of mountainous regions
Group members have been involved in organising the following sessions:
- Ice-sheet and climate interactions (Ricarda Winkelmann)
- Earth resilience, tipping points and human-Earth system interactions in the Anthropocene (Ricarda Winkelmann)
- Tipping points, resilience, and stochasticity in the Earth’s climate and ecosystems (Ricarda Winkelmann)
- Under cover: The Southern Ocean’s connection to sea ice and ice shelves (Moritz Kreuzer)