Coumou's Research Group

Atmospheric Circulation & Extreme Weather


Dr Dim Coumou

Research group leader

Extreme Weather & Mid-latitude Circulation


Kai KornhuberKai Kornhuber (Ph.D. candidate)

Planetary wave resonance and extreme weather in the mid-latitudes


Dipl. Math. Marlene Kretschmer

   Marlene Kretschmer (Ph.D. candidate)

   Complex networks and causality graphs applied to atmosphere dynamics


Sonja Molnos

Sonja Molnos (Ph.D. candidate)

Dynamical sensitivity analyses using atmosphere model Aeolus


Jascha Lehmann Jascha Lehmann (Post-doc)

Statistical analysis of rainfall extremes
Extratropical storm tracks & climate change

Giorgia Di Capua


Interactions of Indian monsoon and mid-latitude flow causing extreme flooding

Part of project GOTHAM

Christiane Walter

Christiane Walter

Sacre-X project coordinator

Former Students

Master student
Testing and tuning the Earth System Model POEM
Bachelor thesis (2012): A statistical analysis of the July 2010 heat record in western Russia

Maria Knaus

Master student

Research focus: Land-atmosphere dynamics and their impact on heat extremes
Bachelor Thesis (20114): Heat potential of dry soils in the Mediterranean region - An investigation of soil moisture-temperature interactions and their impact on CMIP5 simulations of summer heat extremes in southeastern Europe.

Erik Peukert

Master student

Master Thesis: Sensitivity Experiments using the Dynamical Core of the Aeolus Atmosphere Model


Lisa Stadtherr

Senior Research Staff

Dr Stefan Petri

Prof. Dr Vladimir Petoukhov

Prof. Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf

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