Project team

Principal Investigators

Andrey Ganopolski (PIK): Project coordinator

Reinhard Calov (PIK): Ice sheet modelling

Stefan Rahmstof (PIK): Ocean/climate interactions

Hans Burchard (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde [IOW]): Fjord modelling



David Alexander (former PIK): Outlet glacier model validation and mapping

Mahé Perrette (PIK): Outlet glacier model development, uncertainty analysis

Johanna Beckmann (PIK): Submarine melt and calving processes

Sebastian Beyer (former PIK/Alfred Wegner Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar Marine Research [AWI]): Subglacial hydrology

Merten Siegfried (former IOW): Fjord and plume modelling


External partners

Angelika Humbert (AWI): Ice modelling

Martin Rückamp (AWI): Ice stream modelling

Thomas Kleiner (AWI): Ice sheet - ice shelf interactions, subglacial hydrology

Ralf Greve (Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University): SICOPOLIS developer

Alexander Robinson (Universidad Complutense Madrid): SICOPOLIS/REMBO coupling

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